I'm still dreaming....dreaming that peace will pervade my valley soon. I'm thankful that the happenings are minor but piling one upon the other stresses me to no end. Before I head off on a rant, Shelly's birthday was yesterday. XX Roxy Mama XX I meant to put this up yesterday but fell asleep at 9:00. So stop by and wish her a happy belated birthday....sorry Shelly....Hope you had a wonderful day because you are the best!
I did find my kitty. She had gotten under Megan's bed on the trundle bed. I'm not sure how she accomplished this because she is a bit chubby. Her blood work came back excellent. She held down food yesterday but this morning she didn't. I'm stopping at the vet's today to buy some prescription food for sensitive stomachs. If that doesn't work, an x-ray needs to be taken of her stomach and intestines. The good thing is she is acting her normal self. She doesn't appear ill one bit. I am not saying a word to Megan about this because she will be totally upset.
I did an entry this morning because a fuss has arisen over Becky's move to her aunt's house. I wish she had gotten the nerve to tell her aunt "no" a month ago when Becky started doubting the validity of the move.
Becky called me Thursday night totally hysterical. She totally stresses over school; always has. She has been away from a school atmosphere for 3 years. Her first test was on Wednesday. I went through 4 years of undergrad with Becky. She, for one, does not think she is smart. She says she "works hard." Granted, she does. I'm no dummy but no way could I even begin to work hard and get a bio/chem degree with "only" a 3.89 QPA. My butt would have been on academic probation in a hot minute. My point is this child so under estimates everything about herself. I share the blame with her father for this because I put my blinders on for 17 years of her life as to the damage he was causing to her psyche and soul.
Now the move....I was so blaming Becky for not being prepared. There is always another side to every story. Half of her things are in the basement of the house she is moving into. She had no boxes; she has another sinus infection and no insurance because the University has somehow not transferred her medical insurance from an employee of the school to a working student of the school; she had one major test and three next week. I read her MySpace blog last night. My heart was breaking for her.
She called again last night. A wonderful neighbor lady had gone and gotten her boxes, came over and packed her kitchen things and all the stuff she had needed to use during the week. When they went to my ex SIL's house to unpack the things and put them away, nothing, and I mean, NOTHING has been moved out of that house. The closests and cabinets are still filled with her aunt's things. The new hubby has a house that they were going to move into last weekend but never did. Becky has to be out of her apt. today and have it cleaned. My solution, which Becky won't take, was to move everything back to her apt., renew her lease, as her apt. hasn't been rented, and say "Sorry, but I just can't afford the house or afford to lose anymore time for my studies with this move."
My BF suggested that I intercede. Oy vay, I think I best keep my mouth shut because my temper will flare with this one. I'm leaving soon for Becky's. Let me tell you, I'm more than half tempted to start moving things back to Becky's old apt. Becky is still young and hasn't learned the art of saying "no." She didn't want to upset her aunt before the wedding by saying she wasn't moving so now she's in a total mess. I'm trying to be nice here but my ex SIL just got married for the first time at 49 and for lack of better terms is most definitely set in her ways, if you catch my drift.
Becky tried to tell her it wasn't going to work out. Her dad set the stage for that one but she got "the look" and backed off. She didn't want to cause her aunt stress before the wedding.
My car needs a sensor replaced again. An ERG or something like that. It's an emissions sensor that serves no purpose but won't pass inspection that Pa. has yearly. It was replaced once about three years ago. My inspection is in Feb. The mechanic at the place Joey used to work let Joey put the car on the computer. He told Joey to take it off and clean it. Joey can replace it but it costs a couple of hundred for the part. They said it causes no damage to the car at all; just won't stop emissions into the atmosphere. Sorry guys, but right now I could give a rat's behind about that.
Wish me luck....lol....and Lord help me to watch my words.