I was tagged by Shelly to list six weird things about me at least a week ago. Well, my aches and pain were actually me getting sick with ear infections...oh joy. I'm taking Augmentin and feeling way better so I'm giving it a shot. 6? I say only 6? Because, according to my children and others, I'm totally weird...lol. Do I care? Nah, it's part of my charm. And BTW...my vacation over Columbus day...welp this is it, being home sick before Columbus day.
1. I'm stealing this from Shelly because I've done this like forever and people always comment on it.....I read newspapers and magazines from rear to front....ALWAYS. I don't have a clue why but I do.
2. I sleep most every night on the couch and have for a couple of years. As soon as I lay in bed, I'm wide awake. I can zonk right out on the couch so why fight it?
3. When I buy new clothes, I usually forget to take off a lot of the tags. I don't even notice it until someone points it out to me. Call me Minnie Pearl. Yeah...very weird or lazy or a combination of both.
4. I don't like chocolate stuff at all...no chocolate cake, ice cream, cookies, brownies, doughnuts, etc. The only chocolate I eat is good, and I mean darned good, boxed chocolate.
5. I'm terrified of thunder, lightning and fireworks. Absolutely phobic about it. I hate, hate fireworks and plug my ears like a baby. I do the same with thunder. Lightning flips me out more and more as I get older. I couldn't drive in a thunderstorm if I had to now.
6. And mice....I cannot stand these critters in my house. I darned near croaked last fall when Mocha, my cat killed one in the basement, and then guarded it for the day after I left for work. I almost threw up having to scoop it up and get rid of it. I won't go up in the attic now because we had a squirrel or a mouse last spring in it. I haven't investigated it enough to find out just what it was.
Now, if I asked my kids about this, I could put down a dozen more. But I'm not. I sing in the car at the top of my lungs. I sing and dance like a fool around the house. If any of you ever saw the show Bam on MTV, I talk the Don Vito when I get super excited (upset excited). Grizzly, my dog, and Mocha, my cat, "talk" constantly. (With the help of Joey and me, so my kid is wierd also.) Griz and Mocha sing duets to Christmas carols....on and on I could go. (The only problem with the talking dog and cat is they usually forget when Megan has friends over so, her friends think I'm sooooo wierd.)
LOL...back to work I go for one day tomorrow. I still need to take Tues off to take Grizzly to the vets. I'm feeling better so I'm hoping this weekend is not a total bust. I have to get my night of dancing in.
Oh, and I did get my magnets. My camera batteries died so are in the charger. I got pics and will put them up in the next entry. Thanks to Betty, my secret magnet person. Mine are going out tomorrow to my secret person. Be patient...I left one at work and couldn't get it all week. I have the mailer and everything ready to go.....
I'm not tagging anyone for this as it appears most have done it. Have a wonderful evening! BTW: It appears the alerts are acting up again, surprise, surprise?