Sunday, November 6, 2005



I'm not quite sure why I'm adding another entry except that these graphics were just so darned cute that I had to put them in here and I do believe in angels.....always have.  I don't think I would have made it this far or through the things I've had to survive without an angel on  my shoulder.

I actually have a pretty large collection of angels.  I started it and didn't even realize I was doing it until my mother pointed it out to me.

My most treasued one is a true Christmas story.  My dad died in Sept. 1994 of a cardiac arrest.  I was daddy's girl.  Christmas was so rough that year.  My father was the heart and soul of our Christmas holiday.  My parents always gave me money but my dad always shopped and bought me a special present.  My ex bought me nothing and the kids couldn't because they were still young.  The gifts were being passed around.  We always had everyone at our house for a huge Christmas meal.  I got more forlorn because I realized I would get a check from my mom and some small stocking stuffer type things.  Then.......she handed me a small box.   Whoa, wait a dad's handwriting was on the tag.  My heart stopped.  I opened the box and there was one of the first angels from the Dreamsicle collection.  I burst into tears.

My mom told me that two days before he died they were in a Hallmark.  It was September.  He saw this angel and insisted on buying it for Chrissie (that's what he called me) right then and there because they might not get back to that particular store.  Not only did he buy it but took it home and wrapped it and signed the tag because my mother is always good for putting gifts away and not finding them.  He stuck it in his dresser drawer.   

I will never, ever forget Christmas dad's angel was sitting on his shoulder the day he bought me my first angel...............



                                     (love you, daddy)









Anonymous said...

Ok, this gave me goosebumps! Thanks for sharing!  And yes, those graphics are adorable!  GBU, Shelly

Anonymous said...

Hi Chris...what a beautiful story. Reminds me of my dad who was born on Christmas. Passed away in 1998. I loved him dearly.

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry to hear about your dad, but thanks for sharing the story.